
What kind of employees does the company value?

With today\’s low unemployment rate, it is difficult to find quality employees who will stay with a company for a long time. Find out what companies are really looking for.
pracovní pohovor
1. Qualified
If a company is looking for social workers, they are really only looking for social workers. Since this is precisely what the law states, the easiest thing to do is to find out what is required for such a position. All of this information can be found in the job ads. There is no point in applying for a job for which you are not qualified.
2. Long-term workers
It takes quite a long time to train workers, and the worst part is that once they are retained, they move on to a competitor. No company wants that. Many companies even put competition clauses in their contracts so that employees cannot move to direct competitors who would profit from taking the jobs of newly trained workers. So if you don\’t intend to stay with that company for a long time and only want to make a temporary career change, it is better to stay in your current job.
3. Loyal Employees
Do you disagree with the company\’s philosophy, dislike the company\’s methods, or disagree with the company\’s external policies? Then there is no point in taking the job because you probably won\’t last long. Either you are unhappy at work or your employer is unhappy with you.
životopisy a práce
4. Employees who are willing to learn
You may have a college degree and a ________________ certification, but science and technology are constantly advancing and unfortunately education is necessary for every job and field. If you are not willing to get an education for yourself, at least get an education to get a better job. What good is an employer to an employee who is skilled in old skills but unwilling to learn new ones?