House and apartment

Unknown Discovery

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[20 Then it’s time to try something new that will develop you on many levels. If you live in a big city, you can choose from a lot. Various escape games (chambers), various courses of self-defense and martial arts (recently advertised by all Krav Maga in particular) are gaining popularity, yoga (power yoga, pilates more active types of people will certainly find a preference and thus satisfy all their adventurous desires.
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However, the phenomenon covered by the article below is urban exploration, a unique exploration activity aimed at discovering and documenting devastated and depopulated places around the world. Urban exploration, or simply Urbex, can be done individually or even in groups, which seems more convenient, especially if you join an experienced group. Do not confuse Urbex with vandalism, this is a very sophisticated activity. Among the main rules of Urbexers, do not take anything from the spot where it was found, and do not climb into the building only at the natural entrance – this actually means that you do not break windows or pry open doors to get to the desired place.
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You may wonder what attracted so many people to explore dilapidated objects. It’s mostly an adrenaline affair, and a certain degree of mystery that each building dominates. When you start exploring, the desire to learn as much information as possible about the place will automatically awaken in you. Who lived here, how the person lived, and this also raises the question of why the building suffered this particular fate and why it was actually abandoned.
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Some people like to get out of a busy world and walk around quiet objects that are not disturbed by anyone and not observed, while others try to take urbex more scientifically and study historical sources about the places they visit. In any case, urban exploration is a very popular activity that finds followers around the world. They mention most of the time devoted to searching and discovering the beauty of decaying architecture.