
Queen of the Greens

The Queen of GreensThe all-powerful healer, she exerts her power with just a touch. As you might guess,it is a nettle,which can actually burn when touched,but on the other hand, it is full of healing power.It contains so many healing substances that it is a balm for our bodies. The advantage is thatit grows almost everywhereand is not very popular to plant in the garden. In the spring, most people use it for its famous Easter stuffing. This superfood also has an interesting name: it is called Czech ginseng . Nettle is indeed a very strong herb and should be treated very carefully during the spring cleansing period and taken for up to three weeks.


What does nettle contain?

  • It is high in vitamin C and therefore fresh is best.
  • B vitamins.
  • Flavonoids, keratonoids, amines
  • Potassium, iron, silicon, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus

What are these leaves useful for?

  • They purify the blood and promote hematopoiesis and metabolism.42]
  • They beautifully purify the skin from acne and various rashes and can be noted to improve eczema.
  • It works well for anemia.
  • Mental and physical fatigue recede before them.
  • It is effective for urinary problems and various inflammations.
  • Relieves major menstrual cramps.
  • It also has a significant effect on breast milk production.
  • It also does not leave men, even men with prostate problems.
  • Nettles are good for diabetics because they lower blood sugar levels;
  • they speed wound healing and are very good for regeneration.

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Of course there are many others, and they have a great effect on promoting hair growth and quality. 65]It is very beneficial to our health. Not only can it be used in cooking, but it can also be used in teas, decoctions, tinctures, and even vinegar and bath salts. We can use nettles in a delicious pesto or to color pasta. There is no reason to let this queen sleep.

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