
Passive and Active Sports

Do you enjoy sports? There are many people who just watch TV at home and do not play sports at all. However, there are passive sports and there are active sports. Do you know the difference between passive and active sports? If you do not know, I will gladly tell you. Passive sports are those where you sit in front of the TV and watch the game. Whereas watching a sports game, active sports are completely different. It is a sport in motion. It could be running, swimming, cycling, or anything else.

Já na skateboardu vůbec nejezdím.

For example, I really like swimming and cycling. They are my favorite sports. But some people don\’t do sports at all because they don\’t enjoy them or because they don\’t have the time. So it stands to reason that someone who is doing 12s and may still have a second job to make more money would not play sports or watch TV. Such people usually don\’t play active sports as well as passive sports, but of course there are exceptions. Or how about playing some kind of sport yourself?

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My friend roller skates. He told me that he has fallen a few times but that it is great fun and he doesn\’t mind, and that he is still scared, but he overcomes his fear and always continues to roller skate, so I told him not to roller skate and just skate straight down the street like a normal person. Because then something bad might happen. Personally, I can\’t imagine rollerblading and still having to jump over something. But I\’m glad I have roller skates at home, and I\’ve tried a few times, but I\’m not good at it, and it doesn\’t bother me at all. Swimming and cycling are okay, but cycling can be dangerous too, as I\’ve fallen over a few times.