
On Electronic Recording of Sales

Let\’s not kid ourselves–theft has been, is, and will be committed in this country, as it probably is everywhere in the world. Long ago, there was a popular saying, “If you don\’t steal from the state, steal from your family,” or “Work hard and steal slowly. Or, “Do not be afraid, do not steal,” which was modified by folk creation to “Do not be afraid to steal.”
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Given the opportunity, one can get good by cheating. No one loses anything”. And this improvement is, and certainly is, and will be, a tax cut of all kinds, a tax cut of what must be forcibly handed over to the state.
To keep the state from weeping, he finally appeared. Thus,electronic sales registration
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was introduced.
Companies were allegedly not reporting revenues of up to SEK 170 billion, and electronic recording of sales was supposed to be something that would prevent them from doing the same, or at least do their utmost to do so.
Thanks toEET, tax authorities now have an adequate means of obtaining information on whether taxpayers are making all the required reports. The tax payment data is sent to the central repository of the tax authority, which then sends a receipt with a unique code to the business.
Thus, EET is already in place. Electronic sales registration is being gradually introduced in four phases.
In the first phase, all hoteliers and restaurateurs, who total about 42,000, had to implement EET starting December 1, 2016. Within a period of about two months, the tax authorities conducted more than 3,000 checks against them and more than 300 violations were found and appropriate penalties were imposed. Thanks to these measures, the recorded turnover increased by up to 100%, to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Finance.
In the second phase, starting March 1, 2017, more businesses had to participate.31]
The third phase began in March 2018 and covered all other entrepreneurs.
Now, the final phase, which began in June 2018, already targets all artisans.
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Thus, all income taxpayers, entrepreneurs, and artisans who accept payments by cash, credit card, food stamps, and checks are now subject to ministerial scrutiny. Thus, the MIC is aware of every amount they receive, and anyone who attempts to circumvent or cheat is a disaster.
The state is for everyone, and merchants and businessmen should not “divert” what belongs to the state. Only politicians with great immunity can do so.

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