House and apartment

How to Store Clothing in a Built-In Wardrobe

Separate jackets from coats rukávy košilí.jpg.
When storing clothing in a built-in wardrobe, hygiene habits are one of the basic preferences. All custom-made wardrobes tempt us with their huge storage space, and we are tempted to stuff them haphazardly and use as much of the available space as we can think of. However, the basic rule of separating overcoats from other clothing should be observed. We bring in a lot of dirt from the outside, especially toxic substances on our jackets and coats. They should not be placed on hangers under the underwear rack. Ideally, we should have several wardrobes, one of which should be dedicated to jackets and overcoats.
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Wear it clean

Outerwear that is not perfectly clean, machine washed and ironed to deodorize, should be stored in a separate section of the wardrobe. Also, it does not matter if the garment is basically a shirt, sweatshirt, or pants. In this case, it is your body\’s sweat that soaks into otherwise clean clothing. Of course, underwear should not be placed in the laundry basket.
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Seasonal footwear should be placed in a shoe box separately from clothing. Out-of-season footwear should always be carefully washed, thoroughly dried, and stored in a plastic box with a resealable lid. Occasionally, the closed box can be taken out onto a balcony or garden to let the shoes dry for a while.

Clothes on hangers should have enough space next to each other. This should be taken into account before purchasing furniture, and the width of the space for hangers should be roughly measured according to the amount of clothes to be hung. For example, some families iron shirts and fold them in a chiseled manner, as soldiers did during the socialist era, but more often than not, they hang them loosely on hangers. Incidentally, ironed shirts and sweatshirts also look better when hung on hangers.

Vacuum Cleaner [23].
In many homes, storing the vacuum cleaner in the wardrobe is a common nuisance. Certainly the vacuum cleaner should not be there, and the main reason for this is hygiene.

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