
First Lady

Charlotte Garrig Masarik/1850 – 1923/She was the First Lady of Czechoslovakia. An extraordinary woman who, from the very beginning, was actively involved in the development of our country, along with President Tomas Garig Masarik. Edvard Benesh, the 2nd wife of the new president, appeared in this role. Ms.Hana Benešova/1885 – 1974/A woman who retained her truthfulness and grandeur despite staying in several prisons. During the difficult war, she stood firmly beside her husband and supported him. Briefly, but even more intensely, she experienced the role of First LadyMarie Khachovar/1873 – 1938/Her marriage to then・President Emil Khacha was a happy one. But at an unfortunate time, which was difficult for our country as a whole.

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The wife of the first working-class president to make a name in history with a statement that he had just returned from the castle wasMarta Gottwald/1899 – 1953/As First Lady, a dark time in our history has begun. When the communists came to power in 1948. Because of her limited intellectual horizon, many anecdotes circulated about her at the time. She was simple, but she tried to create a solid background for her husband Clement. In 2010, he was taken over by Antonin Zapotoker to the presidency, and his wife, Marie Zapotoker, became the first Lady./1890 – 1981/. They met on the positive side and supported her husband throughout the period with his contagious optimism. He even wrote a book about this period. There was also another presidential couple from the working class. Antonín novotnェ and his wifeBojena Novotná/1910 – 1980/They met at a local gym where both attended. She was brave in her duties as First Lady. But she heavily burdened her husband\’s abdication in 1968. Irena Svobodová became the 7th first lady./1901 – 1980/Who met her husband, General Ludvik Svoboda, at the ball of Kromziš where she came?

Poděkování všem 11 prvním dámám

They lived a difficult and difficult life together, but Irene overcame all the difficulties and stood beside her husband, always faithfully beside him. Vla Husaková/1923 – 1977/ She was the 2nd wife of President Gustav Hussack. She died tragically in a plane crash. With a fresh wind blowing on her sails, the First Lady came to Prague CastleOlga Havel /1933 – 1996/Who, with a love of truth, with her husband, Wenceslas Havel, took a much・needed direction in the politics of our country? After her death, the 2nd wife of the president,Dagmar Havlová (1953),took on this role. Fearless, immediate and kind. After the next election, when Václavklaus won, his wife Liviaklaus (1943) came with him to the castle. She brought economic order and consistency to her position as First Lady. The 11th woman in the position of First Lady is the wife of the current President Milos Zeman ・Ivana Zemanova/1965/. She tries to fulfill these obligations as much as she can. The fate of all these women was put in a position that they themselves did not choose. They all tried to handle it as best they could.

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