
Health and Tobacco

I remember my mother always telling me to take care of my health, not to neglect anything. But the truth is, most teenagers and adolescents do not pay attention to their health at all. They don\’t want to. And they try all kinds of things. For example, I smoked my first cigarette at age 12. And it was a complete disaster and I may have my head in the sand. And I\’m telling you it was a huge mistake and a stupid thing to do. I really regret it. I got caught up in a bad party, and by the time I was 13, I was smoking cigarettes, like normal. I quit smoking when I was about 19, and I figured it wasn\’t a fad anymore, and it was unhealthy.

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Besides, I think it looks very unfashionable and vulgar when women smoke. I remember in the past, women used to smoke with a long stick to keep their fingers from smelling like cigarettes. I don\’t think this again has anything to do with health. Because the tobacco sticks were only for aesthetic purposes and had nothing to do with health.

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If everyone on the planet quit smoking, not only would we do our best for our health, but the air would be cleaner. Because at a party of friends, when two or three smokers are enough, you always have to cover your nose because the whole room is quickly covered with smoke. And it really stinks. It\’s unhealthy for the passive smokers, and I think it\’s damaging to their health. Besides, I take nutritional supplements to take care of my health and I am getting stronger. I think getting stronger is also very good for your health. And let\’s not forget about eating a good diet. Healthy eating is probably the number one thing for great fitness. By eating, you are supplying your body with vitamins and minerals, so be careful what you eat for lunch and dinner.